Only Oxygen to Unwind

Unwinding for me is never as simple as sinking onto a sofa and popping open a bottle of something alcoholic. No…alcohol ceased to have any effect on me after the disastrous events of the Wicked, Bro after-party, a retelling of the classic fantasy tale of…

The light at the end of the tunnel

Okay so I’m not gonna lie everyone, I am procrastinating like a crazy person at the moment. Or rather, I’m procrastinating like a university student who’s neglected their study all semester in favour of having a good time – because that’s exactly who I am…

Auditions, Even for Makeup Artists

When I’m putting on a show, I demand only the best from all involved. No surprise there! However, I usually go a step further, in that everyone must audition. The stagehands, the people working in the ticket office, the people selling popcorn and ice-creams…everything has…

Studio city

Okay, so it’s taken a lot of work and a heck of a lot of convincing but I think I might finally have convinced my parents to get me a studio … of sorts. I’ve always been I guess what you could call a ‘creative-type’….

Don’t Get Your Hopes Up About The Oven

Funny how we move on from fads. Everyone was so excited about The Push Wakes Up, and then it was Cat-Man vs Superb-Man, and now it’s all Colonel Canada: Uncivil Fighting. And then when fire was invented, not that I was there, but I bet…

Eyebrow tattooing for creative types

I’ve always wanted to have cosmetic treatments done but I’ve been worried that it would take too long to get back into everyday life. Like for example, if I had lip fillers or lip injections, then my face would be puffy for a few days…

To Leave a Legacy…

What legacy will I leave upon the world? What legacy will we ALL leave upon the world?? Sorry for being all dramatic there, but that’s just how I live life. I’m dramatic several times before breakfast, and that’s just a warm up. But still, it’s…

Return of the ice queen

I did a stint performing on a cruise ship. It was a figure skating show and I played a cursed princess who was destined to skate out the rest of her days, bound to the ice unless the curse was broken. It was fun for…

Dance the Tool, Be the Tool!

I know how to choreograph a killer dance sequence. I’ve done it thousands of times, so often I could do it in my sleep, and sometimes I just wake up having had a fabulous dream and it’s all just there in my head. That’s just…

Connect With Your Inner Child

Sometimes when I’m directing actors, either on stage, on set, in rehearsal, in a recording studio or simply during an intense fight choreography practice session, I find them lacking in energy. This is, frankly, unacceptable, because no one should EVER be out of energy. “But…