Floor Sweeper Memories

Floor cleaners…they’re a tricky business. One minutes you desperately need them to clear up the mess on stage from some wacky stunt, and the next…you’re trying to film a harrowing scene of grief and loss with them whirring away in the background. Truthfully, each of…

Game design on the side

I’m one of those people who always needs to be learning something new. I can never just be satisfied where I am, I need to be moving forward, learning some new skill or way of doing something. The problem with that is that I only…

Trying to see the best in tree removal services

It was a beautiful weekend, wasn’t it? I stepped into the sunshine and thought, ‘What a glorious day to paint a picture!’ There’s nothing like painting al fresco – if you ask me, it’s the only way to paint. Natural light reveals colours the best…

The Internet…On Stage!!!

Ohh, sometimes I just hate being absolutely brilliant! I have too many things going on, you see. Too many ideas flowing through my beautiful brain, and not enough time to unleash them all upon an undeserving world. Still, I do what I can with my…

Dogs…On Stage!!

Dogs! They say never to work with them! Well, Aubrey breaks ALL the rules. Cars on stage, flowers on stage, DOGS on stage! Of course, precautions will have to be taken. I’ll only use the greatest, most well-trained pooches, and the entire show wouldn’t be…

The Grind Side of the Road…

No, wait, hang it all, stop the presses…I’ve made my decision. There won’t be asphalt laying people outside, except to set the scene. Although I feel I got pretty far in developing their songs, I’ve suddenly had a much better idea. In fact, it’s an…

TV Antenna Man Fight Choreography

I have a lot of personal projects on the go at any one time, because I can’t really do much about the endless streams of creativity that pour from my brain every waking minute. Still, duties often call…and others have use of me. I suppose…

The garden of my dreams

From the very first day I saw Edward Scissorhands, I’ve been in love with the movie. Not only is the film beautiful and heart wrenching but the art design and production is awesome. I love the unique aesthetic of Tim Burton’s films, recognisable yet always…

Badges for

Some of my students have told me that one of the greatest challenges of a stage actor is learning people’s character names. I mean, that makes sense, doesn’t it? Names can be so very hard, and we all remember the time when you can remember…