Will Hunt
Why must my father insist on playing such games? Even after his death, he requires me to jump through hoops and perform tasks for him, just to get my inheritance. You know, he once bought a house for me but made me travel to Transylvania…
Why must my father insist on playing such games? Even after his death, he requires me to jump through hoops and perform tasks for him, just to get my inheritance. You know, he once bought a house for me but made me travel to Transylvania…
Air conditioning systems are very important for the summer which is only right around the corner. You can help prepare for the hot season by ensuring that your air con is working properly, at the optimal performance and not dangerously. That’s where getting a professional…
My sister worries me, sometimes. In most areas of her life, she’s got it together far more than most, but in others she shows a disturbing level of neglect. For example, she’s completely useless when it comes to maintaining her car, which she has literally…
We had been planning our trip to Melbourne for a while. We wanted a combination of sightseeing and relaxing so we went for a pretty nice hotel, hoping that if we wanted to stay in now and again it wouldn’t feel too cramped. When we…
They say when couples fight, it shows that they really care about each other. Well, that’s a load of baloney. I’ve had a wife for years, from way back when we were in university. We like the same sports, watch the same shows, practically live…
I never thought I’d get so invested in a race between two snails. It should be really boring to me, but ever since the football ended I’ve been craving entertainment. When I turned the television on yesterday, I flicked to a random channel and found…
I woke up this morning to an unusual amount of neighbourly buzz on the street outside my home. I’d been sleeping like a log for the past eight and a half hours, and everything had been quite normal when I turned in last night, so…
I suppose it’s time to give the weekly update on my artistic projects. I’ll go into more detail soon, but to briefly summarise, in the past week I’ve been working on my sci-fi novel, my life-size sculpture of the dog from the movie Epic Dog,…
Dear readers: I have a weird question to ask. I’m reluctant to ask anyone I know personally in case I sound like a fool, but I’m genuinely in need of an answer. I’d rather not spend hundreds of dollars on bananas for no reason, let…
Toolboxes are a durable and long-lasting way to secure your most valued ute items Having a utility vehicle is a great advantage of ordinary motor vehicles for a number of reasons, many of which are typically dependent on your primary uses. These will generally be…