Painting Solar

Today I decided to do some painting. Sometimes I like to just pick up the brush, stand in front of my canvas and see where the inspiration takes me. Usually, I end up painting something completely unexpected and today was no exception. After an hour…

Glazier in Trouble

‘What was that?’ Abigail whispered in my ear, as we stood in the vast entryway of the Baron’s mansion. The five of us – each drawn here by a mysterious invitation from the Baron himself, now perched smiling above us on a grand staircase –…

Through the Window

I’m going to make an entire musical about glass tinting and frosting! This is a huge shift at this point in my project, but my previous musical concerning scaffolding went so amazingly well, I feel like there’s both passion on my part and demand on…

Boats vs Boats

Can I call in sick to work, so I can sit at home and watch esports all day? I consider this addiction I have to be a medical issue, in that I feel a slight nausea at the thought of going to work and missing…

The Rolling Armadillo

There’s a saying where I come from: ‘a rolling armadillo loses its shell’. Alright, it doesn’t translate from my native tongue nearly as well as you might think, and you sort of have to experience over twenty years of annual armadillo celebration festivals to really…

Welding, the Road Not Taken

I always used to think that if I didn’t start writing plays, then I would’ve been in the marines. I spent a few years of my life in America, some formative, and I always liked the idea of enlisting. Not sure I’d quite qualify for…

Showing Off via Kitchen Design

There’s beauty in everything, except maybe looking after rabbits. I did that once for my sister while she and her husband went away to Aruba for a refresher honeymoon. What could be so bad about looking after rabbits, I said? They’re small, fluffy and they…

Public Showings, Very Important

I LOVE events. Events are basically my life, as evidenced by the fact that my entire living is based around putting them on and drawing a crowd. However, I don’t discriminate between stage and party venue: anything that lets me get dressed up a bit…

I Truly Connect With Car People

  How cars work has always eluded me, so this is the perfect opportunity for me to learn a little bit more about them, AND make my musical more relatable to the modern, ordinary folk. For you see, I’m not so trapped in my performing…

Termites, and Surprising Inspiration

The true artist is inspired by everything. Only yesterday I spent 45 minutes in a cafe, sitting at my table and waiting for my vanilla slice. Instead of growing angry, I used the time to think about pacing in a musical and when you should…